Share Figma in-app

This article describes how to use Concept Test which allows you to validate your concepts, designs, or feature ideas directly in your product using Figma prototypes. The process is seamless and easy t

Embed a Figma prototype in my product

First, here's how you can do it: 1/ Open your Figma file and copy the link to the prototype you wish to share. 2/ In your Jimo dashboard, create a discovery experience (Tour or Survey). You can select a template or start from scratch. 3/ Then, select a Concept test step, and paste your Figma link into the Concept test settings

How can I collect user feedback with Concept Test?

Jimo allows you to collect user feedback directly from your embedded Figma prototypes. Here's how to set it up: In your Concept Test Design setup, click on "+" to add a sub-step inside your Concept Test.

1/ Input the question you wish to ask your users. You can choose different formats like multiple choice, open-ended, rating scale questions, etc. 2/ Of course, depending on usersโ€™ answers, you can add conditions between questions. I 3/ Youโ€™re now ready to target and publish your Concept Test ;) Now, your Figma prototype will be embedded directly in your product, ready for users to interact with!

Last updated