Preview before going live

Before publishing, it's important to ensure an experience looks and behaves exactly as you intend. To do this, Jimo provides two useful options to simulate how it will display to your users.

Quick Access

Perform a fast test with 'Preview mode'

When configuring your experience in the Builder, you can quickly jump to Preview mode to check how it behaves and displays. First, hit "Preview" at the bottom right of the Builder, this will take you out of the editing mode. You'll see a live preview, where you can interact with the components of your experience, just as your users would. Then, when you want to go back to working on it, click "Leave preview" and the Builder will be back to assist you.

Preview mode is the quickest and easiest way to see how your experience displays and behaves. All configurations (such as the buttons, dismiss, media, etc.) will behave as for end users. Here are some helpful things to check for:

  • Does the full experience flow look as you intended, with the right copy and design?

  • Is it easy and enjoyable for a user to progress through your experience?

  • Are experiences located on the correct pages and positioned as you desire?

  • Do experiences appear in the correct order and can you navigate with ease?

Showing an experience just to yourself or your teammates

Once you have thoroughly checked that your experience is working correctly, then you can test it live by going to the audience page.

Note: To activate any experience live, you must have the Jimo code snippet installed on your platform. You can do this directly using JavaScript, or via our integration with Google Tag Manager.

In the audience page, go to the “Who” section that allows you to target users with segments or filters. Click on "Specific users” and scroll to the bottom to see “Add filter”. With those filters, you can create a filter with email or name, for example, and target only you or your teammates. Only you or your teammates will be able to see it and interact with it.

Once you're confident that everything works correctly, then you can change this to display to the right Segment. Use this to activate an experience directly in your Production environment, without affecting the UX of any other user, to make it easier and quicker to deploy to others after testing.

Also, on the audience page, you can simply generate a link to try your Jimo's experience. Click on the "Test" button, and add the URL where your experience should show/start.

Note: When testing your experience live, be aware of the defined recurrence and experience rate limiting settings. Depending on the case it can be set to not repeat, so you will only be able to see it live once. Ensure also to not be limited by your experiences rate limit defined.

Last updated