[Deprecated] Set up

In this notice, we are going to set up the in-app changelog. Our in-app changelog appears as a widget when it’s open on your website/platform.


Make sure you have installed Jimo on your website. You can find our notice about it here.

Setting up as an in-app widget

Go to Settings > Installation, locate the “As a widget” section and toggle it on if it’s not already done.

That's it 😊! From now, you should be good to go. Go to your platform and refresh. You should see our Float (per default) trigger on the bottom right of your website.

Custom your widget trigger

By default, Jimo offers three triggers:

  • Float

  • Badge

  • Side

Let's see how to set up a trigger!

Badge Trigger

The badge trigger requires to be attached to an element of your website. The Badge trigger is designed to be directly integrated into your app. It will transform the element it’s bound to into an interactive element that will open the widget.

1/ Go to Settings > Changelog page and click on the Widget tab

After Badge is enabled, you need to set up it on your website.

3/ Go to Settings > Installation and locate the “As a widget” instructions in the Changelog section

4/ Follow or send those instructions to your tech team. After it’s added to your website, refresh it and voilà!

You can also customize what your changelog will look like (colors, fonts,... ) by editing its theme. Go to Settings > Theme and click on the Changelog tab. 🎨

Custom Trigger

However, you may want to use a specific element of your platform to trigger the opening. Keep in mind that this step requires some knowledge of HTML/Javascript coding and access to the source code of your website.

So, if you want a custom trigger based on an element of your platform, you'll maybe have to share this doc with a Dev.

Let’s see how to set up a custom trigger:

5/ Set a click listener on the created element that will open the widget

  const myButton = document.getElementById("my_custom_trigger");

  myButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
    window.jimo.push([ "do", "widget:open" ]);

6/ Voilà! You're all good!

Note: we offer a set of methods that allows you to have a more advanced usage of Jimo (set user attributes, listen to widget opening and closing, hide trigger, etc.). Your tech team might be interested. You can find all the methods in our SDK documentation.


I don’t see anything on my website

It’s possible that your widget’s appearance needs to be updated. If that's the case, go to your settings To do so : 1/ Go to Settings > Changelog and click on the Widget tab 2/ Locate the Trigger section and set the Trigger to “Float” 3/ Save changes Go back to your website and refresh.

Last updated