If you are using Typescript, you can find additional typings bellow.
A performance impact may be seen, with Angular 18 and bellow, due to the Angular Change Detection mechanism. In order to prevent this, make sure to encapsulate each call to the Jimo SDK method like so
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { window['jimo'].push(...); // Any SDK calls});
Integrate Jimo using Google Tag Manager
In this notice, we will see how to install Jimo using Google Tag Manager. This feature allows you to create a tag in one of your containers automatically. You can choose only to create the tag or also publish the tag to your Google Tag Manager workspace and make it live.
4.Click to create the tag If you want to publish it at the same time, click on “Create and publish tag for me now”Note that this might require extra permissions from your Google Tag Manager Administrator
Here is an example of a GTM setup:
After being injected into your app, Jimo adds some properties to the window object.
To prevent linter errors in your project, update (or create) your global.d.ts file and add the following types
To prevent CSP (Content Security Policy) errors or if your platform requires some sort of domain whitelisting to load external resources, you will need to add the following domains for Jimo to work properly :
In this notice, we will see how to install Jimo using Google Tag Manager. This feature allows you to create a tag in one of your containers automatically. You can choose only to create the tag or also publish the tag to your Google Tag Manager workspace and make it live.
Click to create the tag If you want to publish it at the same time, click on “Create and publish tag for me now”Note that this might require extra permissions from your Google Tag Manager Administrator